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Sacré Graal - Monty Python and the Holy Grail [LEGO]

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Sacré Graal - Monty Python and the Holy Grail [LEGO]

Par Spiteyourface - 01 décembre 2014

Voici un court-métrage d'animation célèbre de Spite Your Face qui parodie Sacré Graal des Monty Python avec des Legos.
Cette animation a été publiée pour la première fois en 2002.


En anglais:
World famous internet viral that jump-started a whole school of film making. Commercial stop-motion animated short. Created as additional DVD content but also distributed viraly and though various store and publication promotions worldwide. Visit www.spiteyourface.com to learn more about the phenomenon.
Shot standard def video, as was the currency in it's day. Released 2002.

Mots-clés: Spite, Your, Face, lego, LEGO, LEGOS, brick, brickfilms, animation, stop, motion, holy, grail, monty, python, sacré, graal

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