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Fixing Luka (2011)

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Fixing Luka (2011)

Par Jessicaashman - 22 janvier 2015

Lucy pense que son frère, Luka, est détraqué. Sa volonté de vouloir arranger de façon exaspérante, obsessionnel et méticuleuse des cubes de sucre le prouvent. Lucy pense qu'il devrait être "réparé", mais pas dans la façon dont elle se imagine ...

Un court-métrage en stop motion inspiré de l'expérience personnelle de la réalisatrice qui a grandi avec un petit frère autiste.

En anglais:
Lucy thinks her brother, Luka, is broken. His obsessive, meticulous, infuriating arrangements of sugar cubes and thimbles prove it. Lucy thinks he should be fixed, but not in the way she imagines...

A stop-motion short, inspired from my experiences of growing up with a younger brother with autism. Supported by UK Film Council, BBC Scotland, Creative Scotland and DigiCult.

Best Animation at the 2011 BAFTA in Scotland Awards
Best Original Music at the 2011 New Talent BAFTAs
Best Animation, Best Visual Effects and Film of the Night at the 2011 Limelight Awards

Official festival selection include 2011 Edinburgh International Film Festival, 2011 Soho Rushes Shorts Festival, 2011 Encounters Film Festival, 2011 Glasgow Short Film Festival, 2012 London Short Film Festival - http://fixingluka.co.uk/festivals

Read an interview with me about the film, over at the wonderful Director's Notes - http://www.directorsnotes.com/2015/01/19/jessica-ashman-fixing-luka/

See the trailer here! - https://vimeo.com/52785671
More details to be found on my website http://www.jessla.co.uk/Fixing-Luka
Making of photos here! - http://fixingluka.co.uk/making-of
Or like it on Facebook! - https://www.facebook.com/FixingLuka


Written, Animated & Directed by Jessica Ashman
Produced by Anna Odell

Director of Photography: Ruan Suess
Original Score Composed by Pete MacDonald
Head of Design & Model Making: Judith Johnston
Editor: Rachel Tunnard
CGI Lead: James Houston
Story Development: Paul Welsh & Rosie Crerar
Pixilation Animators: Nicola Welbourne & Simon Doolan
Senior Modelmakers: Wendy Cairns & Gary Loughran
Modelmakers: Nicola Welbourne, Joanne Ferrie, Luisa Cocozza, Karen Hall, Elizabeth Edgar, Susan McCoomb, Claire Thacker
Digital Artist: Claire Thacker
Carpenter: Frazer Fyfe
Dubbing Mixer: Romano Valerio at 422
Musicians: Emily Carr, Rory Clark, Susan Appelbe, Graeme Black, Gillian Fleetwood, Fergus MacDonald, Pete MacDonald, Cameron Maxwell
Colourist & Online: Tom Balkwill at Dirty Looks
Equipment Supplied by Kolik
Project Producer: Ciara Barry
Project Co-ordinator: Ashley Black

Mots-clés: Fixing, Luka, Jessica, Ashman, claymation, animation, pâte, à, modeler, best, original, music, luka, lucy, autism, cubes, sucres, laine

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