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Hombre McSteez 7up - Publicité

Pub 4614 vues · 0 commentaires

Hombre McSteez 7up - Publicité

Par Hombremcsteez - 02 mars 2015

Marty Cooper (plus connu sous le pseudo Hombre_McSteez) fait équipe avec 7up pour réaliser cette publicité.

En anglais:
Marty Cooper AKA Hombre_McSteez teams up with 7up to bring more of his creatures to life. This time they are chasing a can of 7up through the streets of Valparaiso, Chile.
All artwork is drawn and animated by Hombre_McSteez using a permanent marker and white-out (tipp-ex) on transparent paper, then held infront of the camera to create the illusion of an animated reality.

For more work by Hombre_McSteez:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/augdementedr...
Instagram: @Hombre_Mcsteez
Twitter: @Hombre_McSteez
Vine: @Hombre_McSteez

Directed by: Josh Nussbaum at m ss ng p eces
Produced by: Michael Prall at m ss ng p eces
Stop-motion Animation Supervisor: Adam Pierce
Hombre Assistants: Danny Trang & Josiah Columna

Mots-clés: pub, ads, advertissement, publicité, hombre, steez, augmented, reality, réalité, augmenté, marty, cooper, dessin

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