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Donut Fun

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Donut Fun

Par Peterbelanger - 23 avril 2015

Si vous aimez les donuts et le stop motion, ce petit court-métrage devrait vous plaire.

En anglais
I love donuts and I love stop motion so why not combine them? That’s what I’ve done with this playful video, it’s short but sweet—just like the donuts in it. The creation of the video took several days. It may look simple but it took lots of planing and strategizing. One issue is that donuts change their appearance over time. I had to plan each part to be completed within a day. If I wasn’t able to get the shot done, I had to wait until the next day to start again with fresh donuts. Another issue was that the donuts left a sugar/grease trail as they moved. Rather then clean the surface after each move (which I did in the beginning) I backed each donut with cardboard. This made it much more efficient to move the donuts around without the hassle and mess.

Another big part of completing the video was finding some great music to set the tone. Thankfully Craig Bromley was on board for creating some custom music for the video. I am amazed he was able to develop such a range in the relatively short time span of the video.

Mots-clés: donut, donuts, dessert, stop, motion, Peter, Belanger, animation, image, par, image, music, musique

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Merci de partager cette vidéo si elle vous a plu ;)

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