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John Lewis - L'Ours & Le lièvre

Pub 4339 vues · 0 commentaires

John Lewis - L'Ours & Le lièvre

Par Blink - 10 mai 2015

Campagne de Noël de John Lewis
Il était une fois un animal qui n'avais jamais vu de Noël. Lorsque les vents d'automne laissent leur place à la neige d'hiver, l'ours commence son hibernation. Son ami le lièvre est déterminé à lui donner un cadeau qu'il n'a jamais reçu avant - Noël.

Réalisé par Elliot Dear & Yves Geleyn
En anglais:
John Lewis - The Bear & The Hare

Directed by Elliot Dear & Yves Geleyn
Subscribe - http://www.blinkink.co.uk/#

The John Lewis Christmas campaign has become a symbol of the start of the British festive season, and Blinkink and Hornet are proud to present The Bear & the Hare, Elliot Dear and Yves Geleyn’s heartwarming animated film for John Lewis and Adam & Eve DDB.

There once was an animal who had never seen Christmas. As autumn winds turn to winter snow, the bear begins his annual retreat into hibernation to sleep his way through the best part of the year. The festive spirit is strong though, and his friend the hare is determined to give him a gift he has never received before – Christmas.

Mots-clés: John, Lewis, -, The, Bear, &, The, Hare, pub, publicité, ours, lievre, lapin, stop, motion, noel, noël, christmas, papier, tree, arbre, animation, image, par, image

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