Par Solinefauconniermariedelapparentalexandrecluchet - 15 octobre 2015
Trois personnages farfelus cherchent un quatrième colocataire. Cependant, la Maison a aussi son mot à dire...
short-film "3+1" that i directed with Soline Fauconnier, Marie de Lapparent, Alexandre Cluchet
Also Been Selected by Vimeo
-Short of the Week
-Dragonframe Showcase
Three wacky characters are looking for a new roomate. However, the House must decides too...
Original music : Rodrigue Hubert
Voice : Robin Val, Luc-David Garraud
Article from Short of the week
Link for 3+1
Film de fin d'étude réalisé à l'EMCA par / Graduation film from EMCA
Mots-clés: Stop, motion, Animation, Staff, pick, Short, the, week, Dragonframe, showcase, volume, humourfunfunnyAbsurde, film, marionnettes, EMCA, Soline, Fauconnier, Marie, Lapparent, Alexandre, Cluchet, 3+1
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