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Comédie 2516 vues · 0 commentaires


Par Piotrwancerztimelapsemedia - 06 décembre 2015

Découvrez la Catalogne grâce à ce court-métrage, mêlant timelapse et pixilation.

En anglais:
This is an extended version of CATALUNYA EXPERIENCE program cover that I produced for Catalan TV3. First episode will be aired on September 30th 2015 and similiar sequences will be included in each of 12 episodes. Enjoy!

Locations: Barcelona, Tossa de Mar, Girona, Espot, LLeida, Montserrat, Tarragona and many more.

Photography & editing: Piotr Wancerz | www.timelapsemedia.com | www.facebook.com/timelapsemediapl
Program site: www.ccma.cat/tv3/catalunya-experience/
Host: Ivana Miño | www.ivanamino.com/
TV Channel: TV3 | http://www.ccma.cat/tv3/

Mots-clés: catalogne, timelapse, time, lapse, stop, motion, animation, image, par, photos, Catalan, experience, Piotr, Wancerz

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