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Astuce pour le stop motion: Faire rebondir un objet

Making Of 2414 vues · 0 commentaires

Astuce pour le stop motion: Faire rebondir un objet

Par Guldies - 19 mars 2016

INSTEGRÄM: https://goo.gl/JfwG59
FACEBUUK: https://goo.gl/VYA104


Oh my.. I've been away for so long. I have had a wonderful time in Asia but it feels good to be home and it feels even greater to be here with you again.

I tried to make a small tutorial with my voice this time. It feels awkward and weird and my English is not the best, and practice makes perfect I guess. Tell me if you HATE it, and tell me if you LOVE it!

Much love and Papa Bless.

Mots-clés: making, of, guldies, stop, motion, bouncing, rebond, rebondir, balle, animation

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